Finite States has developed an expertise in building systems for manufacturing companies that adopt a two tier distribution system using dealers. This extranet infrastructure and system is called ' DealerNet'.
The features of the DealerNet System includes Scalability, Robustness and Dynamic content using proven industry standard technologies. This system also enables Dynamic DealerNet site for future growth requirements such as Web Services, Streaming, Digital Catalog and Wireless accessibility.
The DealerNet website has the following features:
- Offer Marketing Information such as product information, new launches, promotions, product reports, Literature, National Account Programs and competitive reports.
- Offer Rewards Programs (by Dealer Level, Program and Category)
- Offer Service and Support Information and ordering parts
- Offer Driver downloads
- Emphasis and Display of 'What's New' items
- Offer Pricing by Dealer Level, Program and Category
- Offer Newsletter, Tips for Dealers and Partner support and contact information
- Secure access and privacy
- Offer Online Training and Certification
- Offer B2B functionality for ordering products
- Framework for future services like WebServices, Wireless, Streaming, Digital Catalog etc.
Technology behind DealerNet:
Finite States e-framework solution is based on the open-source development of XALAN and XERCES. The whole philosophy revolves around the principle of separation of view and by using XML and XSL techniques and then using XSLT in the Framework.
Along with this, there are helper classes for detection of user agents, using properties files, for proper invocation of relevant methods.
Finite States, Inc. has used the e-Framework as the underlying solution for Dynamic DNet project.
The m-Framework solution is exactly similar to the e-framework solution. This uses the already present classes for detection of user-agents. This also includes helper classes for formatting outputs bases on the differences between browsers. This is used for a wireless enabled dealernet solution.